One of the most spectacular sites in Lycia
and also one of its six largest cities is Pınara, reached by turning left
off the Fethiye road 42 km. from Kalkan. The yellow historical road sign
appearing 3 km. after passing Eşen Village will direct you to Minareköy (4
km.) a charming village with authentic stone houses. The road to Pinara
climbs sharply and is to the left before the first houses are reached. After
2 km. of rough track you will arrive at a wide open space which is used as a
car park.
A large red cliff dominates the site and hundreds of caves dug into its
East façade make it look like a honeycomb. Pinara is a complicated and
difficult site to visit and it is advisable to find a local person to show
you its hidden beauties. Dozens of very old oak trees line the track of a
cold mountain stream making this an ideal place for a picnic during the heat
of midday.
Special monuments of interest are the theater, several funerary tombs (especially
the one called the "Royal Tomb" which has wall carvings), the agora and the
temple. The acropolis on the cliff can be reached but this requires a
special expedition and a knowledgeable guide. There are some very beautiful
tombs carved into the rocks of what is called the South Necropolis. Some
very old olive trees can be seen.

Returning in the direction of Kalkan make a right hand turn when you
reach the yellow historical directional direction sign for Letoon. When you
arrive at the T-junction, turn to the right and remain on the main road
until you reach the beach (ten kilometers from the junction). Just before
entering the forest surrounding the sand dunes you will see Pydnae on the
hillside to your right. Pydnae is one of the most well preserved Hellenistic
fortresses in the region and it consists of a wall interspersed with towers
which encloses the ruins of Byzantine Church.
Following the clear water of a stream which rises only a few kilometers
to the North you will come to the sea at a point where the beach ends and
the rocky slope begins. This is the end of so called Patara Beach.It is
possible to drive on the beach for several miles paralleling the sea and
aligning with a small island close to the shore. Do not go beyond this point
as the sand becomes very soft and there will be no assistance at hand. This
"fresh water" end of the beach is one of the most lovely picnic spots in the
area. It is also the ideal location for camping and caravanning. The return
to Kalkan will take about forty minutes.